The standard EN ISO 19353:2019 Safety of machinery - Preventive and protective fire protection was published in 2019 by the European Standards Institute (CEN).
The standard defines methods for identifying the fire hazard posed by the machine and methods for carrying out risk assessment in this respect.
The standard defines methods for identifying the fire hazard posed by the machine and methods for carrying out risk assessment in this respect.
The document also covers fire protection measures required for the design and manufacture of machinery.
Accordingly, the standard is a harmonized type B standard (basic safety standards) for the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
Accordingly, the standard is a harmonized type B standard (basic safety standards) for the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
The term "fire" is defined in the standard as follows:
Independent combustion, which can occur as controlled combustion (fire) or as uncontrolled combustion (fire).
Independent combustion, which can occur as controlled combustion (fire) or as uncontrolled combustion (fire).
(Source: EN ISO 19353:2019 Safety of machinery - Preventive and protective fire protection)
EN ISO 19353:2019 mentions the following protective measures in connection with fire protection of machines, in particular to reduce the fire risk of machines to an acceptable level by machine design (according to risk assessment) and instructions for the operating personnel.
The standard is not applicable:
mobile machines
machinery for controlled combustion processes (e.g. internal combustion engines, furnaces), except where these processes may be the source of ignition for a fire in other parts of the machinery or outside it
Machines used in hazardous areas and explosion protection
Fire alarm and extinguishing systems integrated into the fire protection systems of buildings.
In the new edition, the appendices to the standards have been supplemented with explanations/examples for better understanding, such as
Machines and their typical fire hazards
Procedure for selecting and classifying a fire alarm and extinguishing system
Risk assessment and risk reduction using the example of a machining center for processing metallic materials